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Hotel Accessibility Features

We are committed to providing equal access and opportunity for all of our hotel guests, and so we aim to apply to all applicable standards, including WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards up to level AA. Below you’ll find some of the features we offer to help accommodate those with disabilities, to older individuals with changing abilities, or those temporarily in need of additional support. Our goal is to provide all of our guests with the same experience. If you have any issues or ways we could improve, please reach out to

Parking and Transportation

  • Accessible self-parking for cars, including designated parking spaces

Accessible Hotel Areas

  • Public entrance, lobby, and registration desk
  • Public restrooms
  • Swimming pool with Hoyer lift

Accessibility for Guest Rooms and Meetings

  • Closed caption or closed captioning decoders for guest room televisions
  • Accessible guest rooms with mobility features have doorways with 32in (0.81m) of clear width
  • ADA rooms available (both king and double queen), located on ground floors with wheelchair accessible roll-in showers
  • Text telephone TTY
  • ADA Kits available

Hotel Areas with Accessible Routes from Accessible Public Entrance

  • Accessible path of travel to the building entrance